Make a Tribute Gift

Make your gift to Tawonga in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone’s special occasion— like a birthday, B’nai Mitzvah, wedding, birth or other celebration. We’ll send a notification to the person or family you are honoring or who you are making the gift in memory of, letting them know of your special gift and including your personalized message.

Any gift to Tawonga can be a tribute gift. If you give online, please make sure to select the Tribute Gift checkbox that says, “This gift is in honor or in memory of someone” and fill out the additional information. Click here for other ways to give!


When we had our baby, it was so meaningful to us that people gave to Tawonga in honor of his birth. At only two months old, he already went up to Tawonga for Family Camp, and I’m so excited for him to spend his childhood experiencing the magic of Tawonga over and over again. These tribute gifts allowed our friends and family to share in our love for Tawonga at an incredibly meaningful time for our family.” – Tawonga Supporter

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